Every time that we work with a new client, we always ask them “how is your retention?”  This is an important issue to me, because our business (HR) is about people, but for many organizations, retention is a financial issue.  There have been numerous studies during the last two years about how our economy is in a recovery mode and therefore a large percentage of employees are thinking about their next move as the economy continues grow.  Some of our clients, rightfully so, are concerned that their employees will leave their jobs.  So, if you were our client, my question to you would be, “how are you keeping your employees happy?

Do you talk to them?  Provide them with the “thank you for that report” or “you did a great job” it’s such a small gesture that means a lot to employees and a very cost effective one.  Encourage management to talk to the staff and provide that positive reinforcement.

Do you reward them?  In this depressed economy, spot bonuses don’t need to be large and gift cards to Starbucks or prepaid AMEX cards can go a long way to showing your appreciation.  We are not only talking about financial rewards, give your employees or teams credit for jobs well done.  Announce Employee/Team Awards in corporate newsletters, Twitter or Facebook and let the world know that they are outstanding!

Do you acknowledge their contributions?  In a meeting, ask your employees to explain and provide information to the rest of the team or client about their ideas.  Give them credit when they come up with ideas and don’t take the credit for them.  You want your employees to be creative and innovative.

Do you provide them with opportunities?  It could be as easy as getting them involved on a new project.  Giving them an opportunity to sit in and observe a meeting or ask them to ‘mentor’ someone can go a long way to boosting your employees feeling of self-value.

I could go on and on with things you could be thinking about on a daily basis, but I am  sure you get the point.  Many of the above ideas are not costly and many, if not all, are reasonable to implement.

So, the next time the question comes up about how many of your employees are thinking about leaving, we hope you evaluate your HR practices and will honestly be able to say less than more.  Do your job as a manager and keep your employees happy!  As Bobby McFerrin would have said “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”!  It’s not that hard to do!