About Barbara Irwin

An HR professional with over 30 years of experience, Barbara has partnered and consulted with both private and public organizations in the architectural/engineering fields, as well as non-profit and technology firms.

Unlocking Gen Z Insights: Survey & Toolkit

This survey is no longer available HR Advisors Group is conducting a survey “Unlocking Gen Z Insights: Shaping Tomorrow's Workplace Today” for A/E firms.  If your organization is an A/E firm, we encourage you to ask your Gen Z employees to participate.  The survey and toolkit are provided below with more [...]

By |2025-03-12T14:42:13+00:00November 6, 2024|Piece it Together|

Cultural Competence is Key to an Inclusive Workforce

As outrage over the deaths of George Floyd and others has spilled out into the streets, the issues of unequal treatment and non-inclusivity are on everyone’s mind both personally and professionally. Diversity and inclusion in the workplace has been an important topic at meetings I’ve attended for the past several years, [...]

COVID-19: Working Through These Challenging Times

The COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak and global pandemic has presented all of us with challenges that were unthinkable just a few months ago. For many, the workplace as we know it has changed and we’re scrambling to access information on the latest local, state and federal legislation and regulations to address this [...]

Diversity and Inclusivity – Making it Part of Our Vocabulary

Recently, I’ve noticed that no matter what meeting I am in or conference I am attending, diversity comes up in conversations. The last several years, diversity and inclusion has received lots of media attention, both good and bad, and corporate America is putting initiatives together to focus on this issue. The [...]

Lone wolf or a lonely employee?

What I have seen this year is an amped up effort to improve employee engagement, inclusiveness, respect and connections within the workplace.  As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, I heard over and over from CEOs at a recent conference that they are making it their personal mission to take care of [...]

Focus on Your People – It’s a Culture Thing

HR Advisors Group has been involved with a group of consultants serving the AE industry and each year we hold a CEO Forum. This event attracts CEOs and other leaders in the AE industry to discuss key challenges that they are facing and possible solutions. In the past we have had [...]

Down the Yellow Brick Road – Provide a Clear Path to Career Success

During the last several years, we have seen an increase in clients wanting our help to develop career paths. There are several reasons: the loss of knowledge as baby boomers retire and the need to transfer this knowledge to the up and coming leaders and workforce of today... the increase in [...]

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