On-Boarding – What’s your Company’s Story?

Recently I wrote about the importance of defining and measuring employee engagement to an organization’s bottom line. There are a myriad of strategies to keeping employees engaged, but one of the most successful ways is to start with on-boarding on day one. On-boarding is a key strategy to build a culture [...]

Defining and Measuring Employee Engagement

Are your employees engaged? There have been numerous studies, articles, research and publications on Employee Engagement. Within the U.S. workforce, the Gallup organization reports of costs of over $300 billion to the bottom line in loss productivity. That’s a pretty serious number. How do you think your organization is doing with employee engagement?

Using the Myers-Brigg Indicator to Communicate Effectively

Last week I attended a workshop on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  Just as in past years, I was amazed at the accuracy in which it was able to provide insight into many facets of my personality and the personalities of those who are different from me.  […]

Spring Cleaning Anyone?

Every year at this time, I go through a spring cleaning process at home (of course my husband and teenage children are not as eager and enthusiastic about this process) and we decide what we need to clean up and/or fix around the house. Spring cleaning from a business perspective can [...]

By |2020-02-16T20:22:50+00:00April 1, 2013|HR Foundation, Piece it Together|
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