The Emerging Field of HR in the Last 20 Years – HR Has Grown Up

The past 20 years have seen many changes occur within Human Resources. Moving from the back office to the forefront of the company, HR has grown in ways unimaginable two decades ago. Today, HR is involved in many more facets of a company, becoming a strategic partner rather than a tactical [...]

Rethinking Training and Development in a Virtual Workplace

Over the past several months, a virtual environment has become second nature to most of us.  We have rounded the corner from “survival mode” and now businesses are going full speed ahead in resuming business operations and realigning their priorities in different ways than ever before. It is critical to remember [...]

Want Your Employees To Shine? Build Them Better Managers.

There is a lot of talk in the HR world these days about how to best optimize the employee experience (EX), and with good reason. Today’s employees want jobs that mean more than just a paycheck…and they certainly have plenty to choose from. Talent pool shortages, a growing economy, and the [...]

Peer Learning: Building Skills, Sharing Experiences to Meet Organizational Goals

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a day-long Learning Summit designed to introduce and explore peer learning, a practice being adopted more and more by businesses.  The Summit introduced participants to two peer coaching group models/methods used by organizations such as American Express, GAP Foundation, Goodwill Industries International, Microsoft [...]

Organizational Sexual Harassment Training Recommendations

If you search online for "Sexual Harassment Training," you will find 6,530,000 hits in the News section alone.  It should come as no surprise that many of these articles have been posted over the past few weeks with fresh allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct coming to light daily across business, politics [...]

Riding Off Into the Sunset in Style – Ensuring Smooth Knowledge Transfer and Retention for Retiring Employees

My husband recently retired and his firm held a lovely party to send him off. It was a wonderful event and he was deeply touched for the recognition that they showed him for his years of service to the company. As we were driving home, I began reflecting that many friends [...]

Mindfulness and Leadership – Go Hand in Hand?

I’ve been in the business world close to 30 years (ugh, let’s not think about that too much), and I’ve seen so many trends in leadership and management. Management by Walking Around (MBO), the 60 Second Manager, 360 leadership feedback, leadership assessment tools, just to name a few. Where does mindful leadership [...]

The Art of Over-Communicating

There's been a lot of talk over the past few years of giving greater flexibility to employees through teleworking, remote offices and other initiatives. Justification for these programs have been driven from a range of motivations including financial benefits, employee morale and talent retention. I recently met with a client who [...]

Inspiring Your Next Generation of Leaders

I recently read an article by George Bradt about the Academy Award winning movie Whiplash, where, JK Simmons plays a music instructor who crushes his students’ confidence by demanding impossible musical perfection while opposing one student against the other.   Brandt directs the reader to correlate Simmons’ teaching with pushing an employee [...]

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