About Barbara Irwin

An HR professional with over 30 years of experience, Barbara has partnered and consulted with both private and public organizations in the architectural/engineering fields, as well as non-profit and technology firms.

Mindfulness and Leadership – Go Hand in Hand?

I’ve been in the business world close to 30 years (ugh, let’s not think about that too much), and I’ve seen so many trends in leadership and management. Management by Walking Around (MBO), the 60 Second Manager, 360 leadership feedback, leadership assessment tools, just to name a few. Where does mindful leadership [...]

The key to managing change? Look inward towards your people.

With the year on its way out, one of the things that I've been reflecting on lately is how organizations and individuals manage change. I'm no stranger to change, it's been common throughout my career as a HR professional and a business owner. Some of the biggest things I've personally dealt [...]

No More Traffic Cops…in HR

We’ve been helping many organizations with HR Leadership searches over the past year and I have been pleasantly surprised at how all of our clients are using the words “strategic,” “big picture,” “value” and “progressive” when describing how these job functions align with HR and the overall business. I can remember [...]

By |2020-02-16T20:22:35+00:00October 5, 2015|HR Foundation, Piece it Together|

To Take a Vacation or Not?

With summer nearing its inevitable conclusion, many colleagues, friends and family are hitting the road to the beach, the mountains, or simply to their hammocks in their back yards. It's always such a great time of the year where many finally take the time to unplug, unwind and relax. However, it [...]

By |2020-02-16T20:22:36+00:00August 1, 2015|HR Foundation, Piece it Together|
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