About Tim Irwin

Tim brings a fresh, young perspective to everything HR Advisors Group does. His specialties include writing blogs, creating reports, and conducting research on various topics on the challenges and opportunities of the workforce and workplace of today and in the future.

The Emerging Field of HR in the Last 20 Years – HR Has Grown Up

The past 20 years have seen many changes occur within Human Resources. Moving from the back office to the forefront of the company, HR has grown in ways unimaginable two decades ago. Today, HR is involved in many more facets of a company, becoming a strategic partner rather than a tactical [...]

The Future Workforce is Here. Are You Ready?

At the Annual AE Advisors CEO Forum in March 2023, our key-note speaker, John Martin, President/CEO of the Southeastern Research Institute (SIR) https://www.sirhq.com/people spoke on the Future Workforce and Winning Firms in the Post-Pandemic World. His focus was on looking at our future workforce and how organizations and leaders can create strategies [...]

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