Smart companies conduct external surveys to check in with their clients. It’s imperative to get perspective on what’s happening in the client’s world, what’s keeping them up at night, trends that they see in the marketplace, as well as gain feedback on performance and how to better serve the client in the future.

Similarly, smart HR Departments use HR Assessments to check on the health of their organization. Think of your organization and its employees as the clients of the HR Department. You want to discover the same things as you would in an external client survey: needs and challenges, anticipated changes in the future as well as feedback and suggestions on performance. But, a critical factor in both processes remains that once you make the investment to do this investigation and people take the time to give you their candid feedback, you have to do something about it!

Recently, HR Advisors Group completed a survey of our clients. Afterwards, we did a formal follow-up and thanked them in writing for their participation and informed them, quite specifically, how their ideas and feedback helped shape our new strategic business plan. This feedback was tremendous in that it provided us with a roadmap to improve and enhance our consulting services. So when you’re making plans to gauge the feedback of your clients, also take a look at your internal HR functions and see how you are doing.  The insight gained can be equally as valuable.