Piece it Together2023-10-09T17:00:40+00:00

Piece it Together

There’s always something to talk about, so pull up a chair and let’s Piece It Together. Through articles written by our consultants, we share with you our take on the latest news, trends, and changes in HR, leadership and the workplace.

Read our latest posts or peruse our past articles. Please let us know if you have any comments or want more information on how we can help your organization.

Piece it Together

COVID-19: Working Through These Challenging Times

The COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak and global pandemic has presented all of us with challenges that were unthinkable just a few months ago. For many, the workplace as we know it has changed and we’re scrambling to access information on the latest local, state and federal legislation and regulations to address this health crisis and protect our employees and businesses.

HR Advisors Group has been monitoring the information available, as well as holding virtual roundtables giving small groups of HR professionals in the A/E industry an opportunity to share information. This page shares the information we have found or has been discussed during our virtual sessions.

Our goal is to […]

Outbreak! How to Keep Your Cool and Your Business Running in the Wake of COVID-19

It would be an understatement to say that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing a lot of concern worldwide for both individuals and employers.  Whether this virus has you in panic mode or you’re rolling your eyes at all the hubbub, it’s a good idea to know how to prepare in the event the outbreak reaches your town. Let’s take a look at some best practices for keeping employees safe and businesses running smoothly.

Limiting Contact with Others

It is common sense that limiting physical proximity and contact with other people also limits the opportunities to spread or catch germs.  Some ways to do this in the workplace include:

New Decade, New Generation, No Problem!

With a new decade upon us, it is only fitting to welcome the newest generation to join the workforce – Gen Z, people born after 1997. With Gen Z in the mix along with Millennials, Gen Xers, Baby Boomers, and the youngest of the Traditionalists/Silent Generation, there are now five generations represented in today’s workforce, as depicted by the graphic below from HR Technologist:

With Millennials and Gen Xers dominating the playing field, and Baby Boomers still very much in the picture, the workforce is already full of diverse perceptions, work styles, and preferences. It might be hard to imagine accommodating […]

Diversity and Inclusivity – Making it Part of Our Vocabulary

Recently, I’ve noticed that no matter what meeting I am in or conference I am attending, diversity comes up in conversations. The last several years, diversity and inclusion has received lots of media attention, both good and bad, and corporate America is putting initiatives together to focus on this issue.

The good news is that it’s gaining strength and attention. As diversity continues to be redefined we need to continue the discussion – diverse workforce, diverse seats at the table, equal pay for all, etc. Research has shown, and we have seen in our consulting business and in the HR world in general, that when […]

Want Your Employees To Shine? Build Them Better Managers.

There is a lot of talk in the HR world these days about how to best optimize the employee experience (EX), and with good reason. Today’s employees want jobs that mean more than just a paycheck…and they certainly have plenty to choose from.

Talent pool shortages, a growing economy, and the increasing array of incentives proffered by employers have made it easier for job seekers to be picky. As the competition to attract and retain top talent heats up, employers are even more invested in creating an environment with a positive EX where employees thrive, grow, and want to stay for the long term.

There are many factors that play […]

Lone wolf or a lonely employee?

What I have seen this year is an amped up effort to improve employee engagement, inclusiveness, respect and connections within the workplace.  As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, I heard over and over from CEOs at a recent conference that they are making it their personal mission to take care of their people.

In this effort, we cannot overlook the employee who is lonely or isolated. It could be the former top-performer whose work has fallen off the last several months…or the new employee who is learning the ropes of a new position and trying to determine how she or he fits in…or the remote worker whose only […]

Create a Culture of Trust

What do employees who experience less stress, more energy, higher productivity, fewer sick days, less burnout, more engagement, and more satisfaction with their lives in general have in common? According to Forbes, these are all traits shared by employees who work at “high-trust” organizations.

Building trust between employee and employer is crucial to an organization’s success, so laying the groundwork for a work environment focused on trust is well worth the effort.

Keep Employees in the Loop

Employees like to know what is happening with the organization, current and future.  According to Harvard Business Review, if there is a void of information, people will always fill it with negative […]

Focus on Your People – It’s a Culture Thing

HR Advisors Group has been involved with a group of consultants serving the AE industry and each year we hold a CEO Forum. This event attracts CEOs and other leaders in the AE industry to discuss key challenges that they are facing and possible solutions. In the past we have had one or two topics related to workforce issues. This year was different.

Our 2019 Forum was “the year for the people.” We heard over and over from CEOs that they are making it their mission to take care of their people. We discussed aligning their culture with their business … engaging and retaining employees … communicating respect.

It was […]

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