Mapping Your Employees’ Careers – Is It Necessary?

Recently, I’ve asked some of our clients “do you have defined career paths for your positions?”  Some say their employees’ career is their own responsibility, others say that they provide a structure for their staff in an effort to succeed. What’s the right answer?  Honestly, it depends. Today, more and more [...]

Leadership Development – Starting at the Beginning

HR Advisors Group has been focusing on leadership development and the importance of organizations making investments in this area. I attended the American Waterworks Association’s (AWWA) Annual Conference last week in Denver, Colorado and participated in a series of topics on “Workforce Strategies that Really Work.” One of the speakers talked [...]

Succession Planning and Leadership Development – A Symbiotic Relationship

Michelle Bennett is the People Manager, Americas, for GHD, Inc., a global engineering, architecture and environmental consulting company.  Ms. Bennett provides oversight and HR responsibility for the 1,100 GHD employees located in multiple offices throughout Canada, Chile and the United States.

On-Boarding – What’s your Company’s Story?

Recently I wrote about the importance of defining and measuring employee engagement to an organization’s bottom line. There are a myriad of strategies to keeping employees engaged, but one of the most successful ways is to start with on-boarding on day one. On-boarding is a key strategy to build a culture [...]

Defining and Measuring Employee Engagement

Are your employees engaged? There have been numerous studies, articles, research and publications on Employee Engagement. Within the U.S. workforce, the Gallup organization reports of costs of over $300 billion to the bottom line in loss productivity. That’s a pretty serious number. How do you think your organization is doing with employee engagement?

Trends in Health Care Benefits

With changes to health care reform beginning to be implemented, organizations across the country are evaluating options in an effort to keep medical benefits competitive while remaining affordable. According to the Washington Employers Benefits Survey, administered by Wells Fargo, health care reform appears to have impacted the dialogue on medical plan [...]

By |2020-02-16T20:22:53+00:00February 15, 2013|HR Foundation, Piece it Together|
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