New Decade, New Generation, No Problem!

With a new decade upon us, it is only fitting to welcome the newest generation to join the workforce – Gen Z, people born after 1997. With Gen Z in the mix along with Millennials, Gen Xers, Baby Boomers, and the youngest of the Traditionalists/Silent Generation, there are now five generations [...]

Diversity and Inclusivity – Making it Part of Our Vocabulary

Recently, I’ve noticed that no matter what meeting I am in or conference I am attending, diversity comes up in conversations. The last several years, diversity and inclusion has received lots of media attention, both good and bad, and corporate America is putting initiatives together to focus on this issue. The [...]

Want Your Employees To Shine? Build Them Better Managers.

There is a lot of talk in the HR world these days about how to best optimize the employee experience (EX), and with good reason. Today’s employees want jobs that mean more than just a paycheck…and they certainly have plenty to choose from. Talent pool shortages, a growing economy, and the [...]

Lone wolf or a lonely employee?

What I have seen this year is an amped up effort to improve employee engagement, inclusiveness, respect and connections within the workplace.  As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, I heard over and over from CEOs at a recent conference that they are making it their personal mission to take care of [...]

Create a Culture of Trust

What do employees who experience less stress, more energy, higher productivity, fewer sick days, less burnout, more engagement, and more satisfaction with their lives in general have in common? According to Forbes, these are all traits shared by employees who work at “high-trust” organizations. Building trust between employee and employer is [...]

Focus on Your People – It’s a Culture Thing

HR Advisors Group has been involved with a group of consultants serving the AE industry and each year we hold a CEO Forum. This event attracts CEOs and other leaders in the AE industry to discuss key challenges that they are facing and possible solutions. In the past we have had [...]

Give Your Employees a Break!

It is well known that when employees take time off away from work, they become energized, productive and happier in the long run. Paid time off (PTO) is one of the most valued benefits offered to employees.  According to the Harvard Business Review, vacation time ranks in the top three benefits most [...]

By |2020-02-16T20:22:23+00:00January 16, 2019|HR Foundation, Piece it Together|
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