Piece it Together2023-10-09T17:00:40+00:00

Piece it Together

There’s always something to talk about, so pull up a chair and let’s Piece It Together. Through articles written by our consultants, we share with you our take on the latest news, trends, and changes in HR, leadership and the workplace.

Read our latest posts or peruse our past articles. Please let us know if you have any comments or want more information on how we can help your organization.

Piece it Together

Unlocking Gen Z Insights: Survey & Toolkit

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HR Advisors Group is conducting a survey “Unlocking Gen Z Insights: Shaping Tomorrow’s Workplace Today” for A/E firms.  If your organization is an A/E firm, we encourage you to ask your Gen Z employees to participate.  The survey and toolkit are provided below with more information on participation.

Toolkit Links:

FAQs                                                                  […]

By |November 6, 2024|Piece it Together|

Gen Z In Action: Driving Change in the Workforce

The newest generation in the workforce has been driving change with the fresh perspectives and ideas they are bringing with them. Gen Z is reestablishing how compensation, work hours, training, culture, and even the “how” is viewed and managed in their work.

According to a Deloitte article: Understanding Generation Z in the Workplace, they have an “entirely unique perspective on careers and how to define success in life and in the workforce.” In many aspects, Gen Z will change culture for the better. Now it’s up to the rest of the generations to learn and understand how these changes will make positive impacts.


Gen Z has been pushing the […]

Unlocking Gen Z Insights: Shaping Tomorrow’s Workplace Today

Most A/E firms today are finding the recruitment and retention of early career professionals—Generation Z—to be challenging. There’s a lot of competition for the same talent, and Gen Z job seekers have more options than ever before. One thing is for sure: the ability to attract, engage, and retain Gen Z professionals is critical for both the near- and long-term success of A/E firms.

In 2007, HR Advisors Group published the groundbreaking ‘Future Leaders Focus’ survey, exploring the nuances of motivation and career satisfaction specific to early career design professionals at that time–the Millennials. In the 17 years since that survey, the world and workforce have changed […]

By |September 2, 2024|Employee Engagement, Piece it Together|

Let’s Talk About It – Mental Health in the Workplace

With this month being Mental Health Awareness Month, it is critical to acknowledge the growing importance of this topic.

According to Lyra’s 2024 State of the Workforce Mental Health Report,

“The most common mental health conditions—depression and anxiety—continue to affect huge swaths of the workforce.” From early career all the way up the leadership ladder, mental health plays an active role in every stage of our careers and ultimately impacts our work and performance.

“Mental health was a post-COVID change,” says Allison Colantuoni, Chief People Officer of Colliers Engineering & Design. The COVID-19 pandemic created a spotlight on mental health, notably around the absence of physical togetherness required at that […]

Making Health and Wellness a Priority in the Workplace

Health and Wellness is being seen more and more as a top priority today than ever before. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, employees are recognizing the importance of their own well-being and how it affects their daily lives, including their jobs. This realization has changed how employees value work and the workplace and has led employers to shift their perspective on how employees should be viewed and supported.

Having healthy, happy employees garners greater efficiency, and better services and end-products. Your organization cannot operate at your desired productivity if your employee base struggles with engagement, absenteeism, and fatigue. According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, “Because […]

The Emerging Field of HR in the Last 20 Years – HR Has Grown Up

The past 20 years have seen many changes occur within Human Resources. Moving from the back office to the forefront of the company, HR has grown in ways unimaginable two decades ago. Today, HR is involved in many more facets of a company, becoming a strategic partner rather than a tactical necessity.

There have been massive developments in employee/employer relationships. The rise of technology has helped, in terms of data management and recruiting, but perhaps one of the biggest advancements is with DEI and Mental Health Awareness. Businesses are recognizing the diversity the world has to offer and HR is helping them adapt to better understand the employee’s importance […]

The Future of AE Firm Leadership is About Vision

We’ve noticed a compelling trend: most of our architecture and engineering firm clients have leadership issues at the top of mind these days. They’re investing in leadership development programs, planning for leadership succession, and enhancing the structure of their leadership teams. At a higher level, we’re having conversations around the future of leadership in AE firms, and the opportunities and challenges for future leaders in the AE field.

The focus on future leadership has always been important, but in the past few years, things seemed different. So we decided to do some research.

HR Advisors Group asked CEOs and other leaders of AE firms across the country about their thoughts […]

The Future Workforce is Here. Are You Ready?

At the Annual AE Advisors CEO Forum in March 2023, our key-note speaker, John Martin, President/CEO of the Southeastern Research Institute (SIR) https://www.sirhq.com/people spoke on the Future Workforce and Winning Firms in the Post-Pandemic World. His focus was on looking at our future workforce and how organizations and leaders can create strategies for a successful tomorrow. 

His presentation hit home on many fronts, including the work we do at HR Advisors Group for our clients, as well as having children who are from the Millennial and Z Generations. My Gen Z son, […]

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