Focus on Your People – It’s a Culture Thing

HR Advisors Group has been involved with a group of consultants serving the AE industry and each year we hold a CEO Forum. This event attracts CEOs and other leaders in the AE industry to discuss key challenges that they are facing and possible solutions. In the past we have had [...]

Mindfulness and Leadership – Go Hand in Hand?

I’ve been in the business world close to 30 years (ugh, let’s not think about that too much), and I’ve seen so many trends in leadership and management. Management by Walking Around (MBO), the 60 Second Manager, 360 leadership feedback, leadership assessment tools, just to name a few. Where does mindful leadership [...]

Your Organizational Culture – Naughty or Nice?

This fall I attended the MBTI Users Conference and the Influence Factor where Josh Bersin, a principal at Deloitte, spoke about the company’s 2015 Global Human Capital Trends Survey.  I left his presentation thinking about many issues that HR stakeholders should be contemplating as they begin planning for next year, most [...]

The key to managing change? Look inward towards your people.

With the year on its way out, one of the things that I've been reflecting on lately is how organizations and individuals manage change. I'm no stranger to change, it's been common throughout my career as a HR professional and a business owner. Some of the biggest things I've personally dealt [...]

Take Your Seat at Your Organization’s Table

As I look at HR trainings being offered this fall, I’ve noticed an interesting pattern emerging. Many programs being offered by my local SHRM chapter and other organizations are centered on opportunities for HR professionals to become more involved and aligned with the businesses they support. Further promoting this concept is [...]

The Art of Over-Communicating

There's been a lot of talk over the past few years of giving greater flexibility to employees through teleworking, remote offices and other initiatives. Justification for these programs have been driven from a range of motivations including financial benefits, employee morale and talent retention. I recently met with a client who [...]

That Kid’s Got Upper Middle Management Written All Over Him…Management Development in Today’s Workforce

Great humor can be found in bad management.  Hollywood and pop culture has certainly capitalized on workplace rituals and the absurdity of particular management styles. The Office seems like it will always be relevant and let’s not forget about my personal favorite, the 1999 classic, Office Space.  The comic strip Dilbert, [...]

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